The Octopus Teacher of the Year


Movies and Homeschooling

I am happy to announce that the octopus in the Netflix documentary, My Octopus Teacher, should be the Teacher of the Year. The multiple lessons provided by this eight armed educator are beyond valuable. Lessons that are perfectly timed for a teachable moment called “2020”. Learn about compassion, acceptance, self-reflection, resilience, a focus on details with recognition to a bigger picture and science, all in one movie.

From one homeschooling parent to all homeschooling parents, please show your kid(s) the movie, My Octopus Teacher. The documentary can be accessed with a Netflix account. I do not know for sure, but perhaps it can be found at your local library. At face value, it is a movie about a man and his observations of an octopus. This movie is an excellent example of learning at a higher level by going beyond its given synopsis.

Movies as Supplementary Resource

As a classroom teacher, videos supplemented the lessons. I remember searching for the best videos, as an additional modality of learning. Some videos that I have passed up on were great. Accommodating the level of interest and learning levels among thirty plus sixth graders is a challenge. After finding the a potential video, I then had to confirm that the movie’s rating was acceptable for a school viewing. Not to be forgotten, I also had to ensure that every student has a parent signed, video permission sheet on file.

As a homeschool teacher, I have the option to let a video lead the instruction, and choose the academics to compliment it. I can choose a video about national parks and easily incorporate history, language arts, science and math. In addition, I can also add in music, physical education and art to make it more thematic.

Movies or videos are also an excellent opportunity for quality family time. If it is the first time watching the movie, be sure to take notes on discussion topics. Have conversations that challenge multiple levels of thinking. You can use resources like Bloom’s Taxonomy, Webb’s Depth of Knowledge or the Hess Matrix. Don’t worry about addressing all of the different levels of thinking. Also, waste time trying to figure out the difference between “assessing” and “evaluating”. Just think “discussion”. It’s hard to have a discussion if you ask “yes” or “no” questions or ones that have simple, factual answers. Here is a great resource for higher order thinking:

My Octopus Teacher

My Octopus Teacher

At face value, My Octopus Teacher can be watched as a documentary about an octopus but there is so much more that this movie offers. Without giving away too much, burnt out filmmaker Craig Foster, observes an octopus in its natural environment. During his investigation, Foster develops a close relationship with the mollusk, receiving a new outlook on life.

From the start, this film captured my attention because was able to connect with Foster’s state of being. Challenged with a new life of Type 1 diabetes and then depression, I made a late career decision. Ironically, I took comfort in his description, “Your great purpose in life is now, just in pieces.” I remember the day when I remembered that my “great purpose” was my family and not my career.

The Octopus Effect

There is no doubt that 2020 has brought out the ugliness in society. In some regard, we can be thankful for the challenges that this year has brought onto us because it has “unmasked” the true nature of many. Yes, the true “unmasking” has already happened. These behaviors were evident before 2020, but select events of the year have given reason for them to no longer be done behind closed doors.

If watched with an open mind or with a purpose, My Octopus Teacher is powerful enough to either ignite change or at least self-reflection. It was definitely powerful for my kids, ranging from ages five through twelve. After our discussion, they were amazed at how much that they took away from the movie. The movie certainly had its share of academic teaching but the life lessons were immeasurable. This is why I feel that this movie or the octopus alone, deserves the Teacher of the Year award. Note that the learning is applicable for adults too.

The Octopus Teacher of the Year: Reason One

I was absolutely mesmerized by the intelligence of an octopus. I know that all living species have some, whether big or small, ability to adapt to its environment in order to survive. Scene after scene, viewers are shown a myriad of ways that an octopus can makes real-time adjustments based on the situation that they have come into conflict with.

This gave us an opportunity to talk to our kids about learning from experience. Good or bad, how can we use our life experiences to help us shape our choices? This also gave our kids a lesson on situational awareness. Knowing their surroundings and the pulse of the moment, as key factors for their safety. Lastly, the octopus is a great example of how to be resourceful with the things around you. One of our big goals with homeschooling is for our kids to find enjoyment with what they have and not rely so much on the stimulation from technology.

The Octopus Teacher of the Year: Reason Two

When Craig Foster went back to doing what he loved to do, diving in the West Cape of South Africa, he had to learn how re-acclimate to the cold water of the Atlantic Ocean. He made it clear that, although not frigid as in Arctic, the ocean is cold enough to be unbearable for most. Of course, he does it without a wet suit. He states that the cold water, “takes your breath away”. On top of that, the waves pounding upon the rocky shore is a sure deterrent for any sailor, let alone a diver.

I saw this scene as a representation of his first step toward a spiritual awakening. Despite the demands of the environment, he says that you just have to relax. Then he describes the next ten or fifteen minutes as a “beautiful window of time”, when everything is okay.

Let’s face it, life can be difficult, or anything but okay. The cold and rough waters were synonymous to his life as a filmmaker. Think about your water. What type of stress or frustrations is it causing? Is it taking toll on your physical and/or mental well being? Is it impacting your family, loved ones or friends? To address it, we have to take a step back, acknowledge it and breathe. We just have to relax and find that moment of clarity, so that we can think with reason. Without this “beautiful window of time”, there is no opportunity for learning. Without this window, it’s just an octopus and this is just a documentary on ocean life.

The Octopus Teacher of the Year: Reason Three

Octopus in its environment

The relationship between Foster and the octopus is undeniable. Some people have a hard time bonding with a dog or a cat. Craig Foster literally had an octopus hugging him. How did he manage to develop a relationship of trust with this mysterious, antisocial sea creature? The most superficial answer is that he observed and interacted with the octopus through 80% of its short life span. But it wasn’t the time spent that sealed it. It helped, but the most important factor was that he had to feel that he was part of her environment, and not a visitor.

Take this concept and put it into the context of human relationships. What if we put this much effort in getting to know others? What if we took the time to learn about the lives of others instead of making assumptions or going along with common beliefs, like a visitor. Consider the struggles of racial inequality, recognition and equality for the LGBT community, or any other acts of oppression. Think about the difference that we could make with ignorance, hate, racism… We have to realize that human interactions have to be done with a type of gentleness. A gentleness fit for the smallest of our Earth’s creatures. The movie My Octopus Teacher is a gem and worthy of a Teacher of the Year award, for anyone who is willing to learn.

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