Speak Life Positive Affirmations


We recently joined a Family Bible Study group at our church and we absolutely love it! On the first night, our Pastor asked of the families to actively and regularly disciple to our children. We can do this by simply engaging in time of worship, devotionals or prayers. Knowing our kids and their learning styles, we put them all together for three amazing nights, a week. They especially love the Speak Life Positive Affirmations.

Speak Life Printable
Speak Life Positive Affirmation Sheets


One of our first devotionals was dedicated to studying 2 Corinthians 3:18, “As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more.” We talked about ways that we shine for God and how He feels when we do. We also discussed how it makes them and other feel when they shine. Oddly enough, some of them had difficulties identifying good things that they genuinely and consistently do to shine and reflect God’s glory. They knew that they do good things, guided by the Spirit of the Lord but they were either unsure of what is “good” or too shy to say it. This prompted the Speak Life Positive Affirmations.

Speak Life Positive Affirmations
Speak Love
Speak Life Box

We grabbed a lock box that we had in the garage and made up Speak Life Affirmation slips. Throughout the week we would affirm each other’s actions when they shine for God. From the little things to the big, we try to point out as many actions as we could. We want our kids to become aware of their actions and how they reflect on God, themselves and onto others. This of course is reflected in 1 John 4:16, “God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.

Speak Life

Speak Life Positive Affirmations
Use Your Words to Inspire

It has been ten years since Toby Mac’s album Eye On It was released. The album made a huge impact on us then and it remains to do so, till this day. Of the many inspiring and influential songs, one in particular has completely changed the way that we interact with others, whether they are known to us or strangers. The message, in the song Speak Life, is a lesson that everyone can learn from. When we interact with people, do the words we say speak hope or life into them? Do our words inspire and spread love like fire?

Every Person Has a Story

We learn so much through our Family Bible Study group, but one of the most awe inspiring is in regards to God’s love for us. God’s love is not just a sentiment but also an action. So if we are created by Him in His image, how do we love like Him? How do we follow the great commandments of loving God with all of our heart, soul and mind and love our neighbor, the same way we love ourselves? As a start, this is why our words are so important, especially to strangers?

Do you remember the Chick-fil-A commercial, Every Person Has a Story? We don’t know everyone’s story when we encounter someone. But just the recognition that everyone has a story, can help remind us to always inspire by speaking hope, speaking love and speaking Life. Can your love be a sentiment and an action?

Speak Life Positive Affirmations: The Printable Slips

Not only do we use these slip to encourage God’s love in our family, but we have also decided to carry them around with us when we go out. We have yet to do it but we plan to give them to waiters and waitresses, police officers, firemen, teachers, doctors, nurses, store greeters and even random strangers. Why? Because every person has a story.

Speak Hope
Speak Hope

We encourage everyone to utilize the printable resource below to use with your family at home. You do not need a special lock box. Attaching them to bathroom mirrors, first thing in the morning, would be a great way for anyone to start a day. You can put them on the steering wheel, next to a coffee mug, on a pillow, on a computer screen or even in a coat pocket. Think of the joy that they will feel when they find it. Think of the joy you will have when writing it. Most important think of the joy God will have, knowing that you are looking more and more like Him everyday.


Take that joy even further and take some slips out with you when you go out too. There’s no magic number or weekly quota, just do it. Just think, one week you might hand out one affirmation. But your words on that one slip could be the inspiration that someone needed at that exact moment. Every one has a story that can be affirmed or in need of hope, encouragement or inspiration.

Spread your words of love and inspiration like fire. Words can be a personal affirmation or compliment or a simple “Thank for all that you do. Have a Good Day!”. You can hand them to the recipients or just leave them anonymously. Whatever you are comfortable with. Also, don’t wait around expecting a “Thank you” or a hug. Simply just give and go. Your rewards are the joys in your heart, in God’s and hopefully in theirs’.

Speak Life
Speak Life

“And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”

Mark 12:30-31

Speak Life Printable
Print it out and Spread Love Like Fire

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