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Jumeok bap for Kids

(주먹밥fist rice)

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Jumeok bap, or Fist Rice, is an easy, Korean inspired meal for busy families. Our Jumeok bap for kids recipe allows you to use what you have and let the kids create!

Our desire for our children as Asian American parents is to have them know their Korean and Filipino culture. My husband and I were born and raised in the Bay Area where the Asian community is in abundance. In 2003, shortly after getting married, we moved to Arizona. Our kids were born in Glendale, Arizona where we still live 15 years later. Unfortunately, our kids don’t have the pleasure of seeing people that look like them when they step out the front door like we did.

Arizona has provided us many opportunities professionally and we are thankful for friendships we have made. However, living away from family and friends has us finding ourselves with the responsibility of developing culture within our kids from scratch. We know the value of “it takes a village” from not having one. When we go back to the Bay Area it pains me to see how so much of the Asian community take for granted having a community. I am American born, I spoke Korean fluently as a child because my Grandma that lived with us did not speak any English. I am saddened to find my Korean is starting to slip away because I don’t have anyone to converse with other than the occasional basics with my kids.

Language and Food is the core of culture.

Thankfully, our kids experience some Korean language because they are into K-Pop and K-Dramas, a whole topic for another day. Today we are going to talk about food, specifically our Jumeok bap for Kids Korean Recipe.

Jumeok bap (주먹밥fist rice)

The origin of Jumeok bap can be traced to Japan. It is the Korean version of Onigiri, Japanese rice balls. Its popularity reached Korea in the 90’s, appreciated for its inexpensive, efficient and delicious qualities. Nowadays, it can be found as a lunch box item packed by a loved one or at a vendor as a street food.

We love Jumeok bap for its versatility. Basically the “use what you have” quality makes this perfect for busy families like us. We have 4 kids with 4 different palates. We prep the ingredients we know our kids love, like Spam, Avocado, Crab, Seaweed, Nori Furikake and Rice. These items are then laid out on the table with individual sides of Miso Tofu soup, individual mixing bowls and a set of gloves for each. Sometimes the fun of making Jumeok bap can become messy and wasteful. So we announce a few instructions, like keep your gloves on, only use the ingredients your like, and only make what you can eat.

Embrace the Variety

The fun part for me is to see the different sizes. Our 5 year old makes these cute bite size ones because of her small hands, but are perfect for her. Our two older girls that have much more developed palates. They create some delicious combinations. And our son, he likes rice, spam and soup. He enjoys making the rice balls with spam and eventually put the rice balls in his soup. I just love how uncomplicated he is. The kids say this is one of their favorite meals. The best part? Zero waste, and left over ingredients are put into other dishes the following day.

This is such a simple meal that yields so many different variations. The only actual cooking was frying Spam and Optional Miso Tofu Soup. I love seeing the excitement for food and experimentation, because cooking is now a shared experience.

Jumeok bap for Kids: Important Tips

Ingredients: (serves 4)

Jumeok bap for Kids: Directions

Set the Table and Create!

Enjoy and please feel free to send us pictures of your Jumeok bap or let us know what how you do your Jumeok bap for Kids, Korean Recipe.

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